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bev! boosted
bev! boosted

Today is a huge day for Apple II software preservation. With the help of Antoine Vignau and @txgx42, we have managed to recover, make playable, and archive renowned game designer Dani Bunten's first game, Wheeler Dealers. Released in 1978/79 and published by Speakeasy Software, a small Canadian developer, Wheeler Dealers is a multi-player stock market simulation that only sold ~50 copies. It is the first (known) computer game to have been sold in a box. The game was considered lost until now.

bev! boosted

One of the reasons I want Xenia the Fox to replace Tux the Penguin as the Linux mascot is so the bigots in the Linux community get outraged enough at queer symbolism that they basically see themselves out and save us the work of booting them out.

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bev! boosted
bev! boosted
bev! boosted

half-tempted to impulse buy a denim jacket before going to portland retro gaming expo this weekend

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Day 11 - Rainbow (featuring Rain from... Rain) :P

Also, Happy Coming Out Day! Good luck if you do, but please don't sweat it if you don't. You do you! πŸ’œ

Found out about a TV show that features Quake 1 footage as part of its plot, and it's a show I've covered before.

Might make this future article material....

bev! boosted

Shoutout to everyone who has exactly two modes:
1) Doing all the things
2) Doing absolutely nothing while recovering from doing all the things

Listening to Wonderwall without it being part of a mashup or a meme feels weird now.

Turns out there's a good song in there!

Dumb video game console idea: Game console with a multi-disc CD changer in it.

No longer have to swap discs by hand!

bev! boosted

folks, if you like something someone made, tell them with, i beg you, more than a zombie fucking mindless click on a star/heart symbol on your 4k mind control video monitor

podcastey and influencey types are always trying to push for "hey try this one weird trick challenge for a week or month" and i propose, take a month of your online life to 100% replace """liking""" online content and instead replying to it with actual human words

bev! boosted
bev! boosted

Designers now always make things for regular and dark themes but unbelievably fail to include Hotdog Stand

so, my aunt braided my hair yesterday, which I thought was pretty neat

The whole episode of Murder She Wrote is just as bizarre, as it involves a driverless murder car.

And this is like, the 7th episode of the show's *first* season.

If the show's already getting oddball I can imagine later episodes just getting wild.

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Was watching an episode of Murder, She Wrote, and I wasn't expecting to see Spy Hunter be used to help Jessica Fletcher solve the mystery!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!