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It's TYOOL 2018 and I'm finally watching Zootopia.

I guess it's a requirement to stay furry, right?

bev! boosted

there are now reportedly youtube ads which use javascript to mine crypto. on *youtube*

reminder to
and websites that tell you otherwise can get fucked

bev! boosted

Hugs for all my friends going through rough times right now.

I wish I could do more but most of my friends are far away. And teleportation technology hasn't been made yet.

this week has been nothing but falling asleep at 5PM and being up all night.

Thankfully it's been getting better but man when it's thrown off-kilter it *really* takes me forever to get it right again.

I realized I went on an angry tangent on the birdsite while I was tired.

Never * while tired, folks.

Watching Vinesauce play shovelware garbage fuels my soul this morning.

Heck, more people should play junky late '90s-early 2000s games because it's kinda fun in a bad way.

curious about multiple masto instances, involves kink 

there's a small bit of me that wants to make an "AD" at just so I can occasionally talk about my weird kinks there or something.

I don't know how one manages multiple mastodon instances since they're on different networks. Unless it's easier than I thought.

bev! boosted

@TonicBH "you know what's a good idea? forcing people to work in poorly lit and stressful spaces while seated for 8 hours a day, 5 days in a row, every week"

That moment when you talk about seeing a friend suffering from burnout and realize it's not just *one* friend suffering from burnout.

It's *several* friends.

Office culture is garbage, folks.

New: I write about Carol Vorderman's Sudoku, a Sudoku game endorsed by a game show personality some of you *might* have heard of.

(Likes, shares, comments appreciated, as always.)

random 5AM thought:

Maybe we should abolish microwave ovens.

My birthday's in six days and I don't know what to do that day or what to ask for gift-wise.

Is this what it's like to be old? :(

bev! boosted

I slept through most of today and thanks to watching a let's play before I fell asleep, Mya's Everything or Nothing is stuck in my head.

Damn it.

It's 5:30am and I'm just now having dinner.

What is wrong with me

playing a game with those boom anime babes that make me think the wrong thing 

I guess I associate this kind of game with the kind who publicly talk about their "waifus" without any sense of irony or shame about it.

Those people have *guts*, at least.

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playing a game with those boom anime babes that make me think the wrong thing 

So I played a bit of Gal-Gun: Double Peace because I was morbidly curious.

On one hand, it's a fairly simple light gun shooter.

On the other hand, the game really goes hard on the panty shots and being pretty damn perverted.

I feel weird about it because I was thinking "haha this would be a laugh to play" but I'm legit weirded out by it.

I don't know how to feel right now.

Did you know being sick sucks???

It really sucks.

All the dumb or interesting mods I've downloaded over the years makes me wanna stream them just to see how goofy they would all be.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!