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trying to decide whether i feel cute today or not

thinking about going to my local gun and weapons expo and getting an authentic wakizashi in order to study the blade

when you see someone from the fed join the discord for a podcast you follow religiously

pokemon direct 

the fire starter is me. i am in the pokemon game

nsfw, pregnancy, partial nudity 

Ileana wanted to surprise her partner after a stressful day. She's a little clumsy right now but she handles it gracefully <3

Done by mdwines:

i need more fedi friends in ffxiv, my fc has gone kinda dormant in terms of events and roulette queues ;;-;;

coming out, +++ 

and i've met so many great people here. i know that i'm doing the right thing.

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coming out, - and + 

my mom might not accept me but at least my sisters do πŸ’—

when a white person says that they're "color blind" in response to discussion about racism, they think that they're saying "i am a tolerant person."

however, what they're actually saying is "i can't see racism, so i won't acknowledge it", which is a really messed up way to look at the world

closing our eyes and putting our heads in the sand doesn't make something go away. racism is here to stay until it is acknowledged, explicitly called out by name, and strongly addressed in every community.

rant, cishet justifying transphobic slur 

love too have a massive brain and think a slur is okay because i'm using it to fetishize and talk down to a group of people. Jesus Christ

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rant, cishet justifying transphobic slur 

"no no no you see *I* only use the term to refer to really feminine looking guys to the point that they don't look like men"

HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM yeah that checks out πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!