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werewolf thoughts, trans thoughts (+) 

Five years of HRT have changed my face in profound ways, made it more my own, made it truer. But you can still see the spark of who I was before. The sad eyebrows. The high forehead. The shape of my nose. If the full moon ever does to me what I wish for so ardently, the face I wear then will be even more true, but it will have that same spark.

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werewolf thoughts, trans thoughts (+) 

One of the things about lycanthropy that I find the most evocative and appealing is the idea that a person’s werewolf form looks distinct. Unique. They are not all just big gray, black or brown wolf-human hybrids. Some aspect of their human form ought to be visible, and perhaps other visual signifiers of personality or temperament. I find that variety beautiful and uncanny and essential. Much like trans beauty.

37. a werewolf working out
38. me fretting over how much drawing i've been doing
39. me realizing i'm losing my therapist
40. my Lancer Zheng after crit punching Ronin with it's big fist

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speaking of which, computer fairies registrations are open (but screened) if you need a new instance

@ultranurd that sounds beautiful, and like the sort of thing that has to be witnessed firsthand to really be inhabited. I’m glad you were there to see it! (Good question, but I think it would have to be a reflection of the moon’s image, not just its light)

hi please hire me i have over 8 years professional experience making computers do what i want and i've been failing to get a job anywhere for almost a whole year now and i need not to be homeless please

confidential to future person that I’m linking to this 

I told you so ❤️ aaaah thank you! I am currently writing a follow-up novel about Alexis…

Lmao bro the full moon is calling me with undeniable intensity. Dude I'm rending my clothes to avoid constriction, and also forsaking all signifiers by which you'd recognize me. I'm shedding my old self, dawg. Damn, the moon is making me something lesser and truer than what I was. Lol

It’s Werewolf Wednesday, when it’s customary to compliment me on what you imagine my fangs and claws must look like

uspol, transmisia, fascism, directed at cis/white/americans 

hey cis colleagues. please consider sacrificing some of your comfort this year and talk to your friends and family that might not be voting dem¹ and try. pleas god just try. please get out the vote, or fund GOTV efforts if you can't spare time and energy.

white colleagues, us too. it's Black history month in the US. support your Black and Brown colleagues at work and in your personal life. It's a good day to read about CRT and understand the power structures that are in place and how they unnecessarily advantage us.

all my trans friends are stockpiling ammo because of what we think might be coming. it's scary for us white trans folks, and much worse for Black trans folks right now.

¹ yeah they suck but they aren't actively trying to murder me and my brothers and sisters and siblings and friends.

I know I've got some connections here in the Lower Mainland, so please spread the word on this event!

fitness talk 

Yesterday I did my final serious speed workout in preparation for my 60km on Feb 19.

My goal was to maintain a steady pace for the first half, which is a steady 210m climb over 6 km, then hammer the downhill return at a pace that was fast, but sustainable for the duration. I crushed it.

I’m feeling really good about this. I might be in the best running shape of my life right now. I’m a creature of the woods but the desert agrees with me.

@edstink yeah, the guy driving it has been putting vegan gas in the tank

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!