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yes this is stolen from twitter

but also

i think this explains approximately 3/4 of mastodon. i've got y'all rumbled now!!! all figured out!!!

the best interaction that ever happened on birdsite was

"social engineering challenge. the first person to trick me into including '[some arbitrary string i can't remember]' into any of the projects on my github wins $50"
"should you mention this contest on your website?"
"good idea, done"
"[link to the github repo for the website]"

The scammer asked me what operating system I use, and of course I answered Unix.

He asked me to spell it, which I did using the format "<letter> as in <NATO phonetic alphabet word>," and he took offense to the word for I ("India"), telling me several times to use "Indigo" instead without letting me say anything.

The scammer wouldn't even let me correct myself for him before trying to end the call.
The unsolicited tech support scam call.
That apparently they wouldn't let him hang up himself.

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I just got a call from a Windows tech support scammer. I barely had the energy to mess with them, and I told them I wasn't interested or using Windows, but rather than cut their losses and hang up, they insisted on wasting 6 minutes of their time on me anyway.

That time they wasted on me was time they weren't scamming anyone gullible enough to let them into their PC.

uncomfortable thing capitalism doesn't want me to think about 

(2:00 - 2:26): is this vore?

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they told me as a kid that living in a capitalist democracy would ensure I had lots of exciting choices to make, but, funnily enough, it turns out that was a lie. like even if you aren't disabled in the brainplace: wanna not get paid enough at McDonalds or at Claire's? wanna stay in the shitty apartment with your abusive partner or become unhoused? love these choices we get to make

what if I had A Job, Any Job that, for 20 hours a week, ensured I could choose to be an artist in my free time

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maybe not the right time of year, but i don't care. new (old) av, spooky socialist teeth.

Reminder to furry artists that shark week is 30 days away.

how hot is it precisely? i can't say because the thermostat is off scale high.

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it's so hot in my house that my propane heater's fan tripped on. the box the propane burner heats got that hot from just the ambient air.

No one ever needs to hire me or call me for support to add an email account, unless the program they're adding it to is the current Outlook. Not even older, pre-365 versions of Outlook were missing this absolutely critical configuration setting.

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Microsoft Office 365 Outlook is literally the only business email application that can't add an IMAP account to manage "" if the user's account name is just "janedoe", without a hidden trek through the deprecated Control Panel:

@monorail Cargo Culting "Go To Statement Considered Harmful" Considered Harmful. :(

u.s. independence day, navajo, covid-19 

There we go:

Navajo Nation establishes the "Navajo Nation COVID-19 Fund": [PDF, 2 pages, hosted on the official government website]

"The Navajo Nation COVID-19 Fund has been established to help the Navajo Nation respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. This is the Navajo Nation’s only official COVID-19 fundraising and donation effort.":

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This America day.


Find your local rez and ask what supplies they need.

Browse Etsy for indigenous crafters and buy from them. Do this for all jewelry and shit from now on. They make great pieces.

Push for Duolingo to add more indigenous languages to preserve dying languages.

Use your white privilege to raise a fuss that the tribes are still treated like shit and expected to be grateful.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!