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r/traa post, may contain sensitive content (without image description) 

A bit of humor...

happy unix epoch + 1,609,459,200 seconds, folks! (new year midnight UTC)

Cyberpunk 2077 seizure PSA 

Don’t know how many of y’all have seen this but apparently there’s a sequence that specifically flashes red and white lights so uh, heads up if y’all were thinking of playing this

These are both too real. This game is almost enough to make me go back to SOL.EXE.

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cw: food 

I've been pinching out a hole in my toasts.
I could also butter the bread on both sides, use a glass to cut out a hole, & toast the hole alongside; although that should make it look like it came out of a certain masked antihero movie, it just feels more wasteful to me.

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cw: food 

eggy in the basket recipe
1 egg
1 slice bread
1 pad butter (1-2 tsp)
Form a hole in bread. Melt butter in a frying pan on medium-low heat. Place bread in pan, crack egg into hole, season. Fry until egg bottom sets, flip, fry until egg is done, serve.

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cw: food 

Someone suggested I had the heat too high, and my second attempt at a slightly lower setting seems to confirm it.

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cw: food 

I tried making eggy in the basket for the first time, using wheat bread. It tastes fantastic, but I fear I came up short on presentation a bit. What do you think?

Periodic reminder. Don't open attachments that:

* come in unexpected email,
* are password-protected, &
* have its password in the same email it's attached to.

No anti-malware scanner along the way could open it to scan it before you got it. If it could, it would've blocked it as obvious malware.

current love levels are 34%

(34%) ■■■□□□□□□□

What do you get when you play the BBC News countdown theme and Dua Lipa's "Hallucinate" at the same time? I don't know, but it's one of the better mash-ups I've listened to.

Weird observation:

There is a word in the English language which is 80% silent letters, and the only letter that's actually pronounced is among the rarest in the language.

This is not what I imagined the post-apocalypse would look like:

"Drone Footage: Video Of San Francisco Skyline Under Surreal Orange Skies": (YT, 56s)

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!