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Search term: emacs

Google: Welcome to the front lines of the Editor War, recruit!

DuckDuckGo: Here's a bunch of usefully relevant results, including in non-editor contexts. May you find the pages you meant to find.

PSA for my cis followers:

"Transwoman" and "Biological woman" are transphobe dog whistles. They're meant to try to indicate that trans women are not women.

Just remember: you don't say someone is a tallwoman or a blondewoman, she's a tall woman or a blonde woman.

And unless you're talking about a fembot, all women are biological women.

i keep hearing fantastic things about "mowing" from other cats, so i decided to give it a shot!!

hopefully i'm doing a good enough job!! :3

#furry #furryart #art #cat #feline #lawnmower #mower #mow

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">

4,144 people are currently drawing "The Free Movie," MSCHF's new project to "crowd pirate" a hand-drawn, frame-by-frame recreation of The Bee Movie with a built-in MS Paint-like editor.

re: Apple rant 

Apple's support instructions are just plain wrong because Apple changes them significantly between minor versions of MacOS.

Oh, and may the gods help you if your customer is using a perfectly functional or even pristine iMac whose only crime is running an OS past EOL, because Apple sure won't.

"Version too old? Take the extra time & effort to nuke the help docs! Tell them they should've thrown away good hardware & bought this year's model!"
Bite me, Tim.

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Apple rant 

Apple has managed to make a mail application that makes me pine for the days of supporting the intentionally wonky Microsoft Outlook Express.

Apple has managed to make a documentation support website worse than the labyrinthine Microsoft Knowledge Base, mainly by filling it with support instructions that are just plain wrong.

Apple has managed to make finding meaningful 3rd-party help impossible by naming their mail program just "Mail."

How is my ISP supposed to support this junk?

Another great reason to describe your images, even if you're not thinking about unsighted people: sometimes during federation images get broken.

I could consume this post without needing to visit the original site 👍

Human beings were never meant to be on a single social media platform for life. Archaeological evidence tells us our earliest ancestors hopped from platform to platform, following the migrations of the influencer herds, moving on when the soil was too depleted to grow new discourse

new links on the #linkcache

WeatherStar 4000+ - Web based WeatherStar 4000 simulator that reports current and forecast weather conditions plus a few extras!

The Best of The Iconolog - Dubbed "The Art of Virtual Litter", this webpage collates thousands of 32x32 OS-style icons converted to GIF for easy usage on the web or anywhere else you want.

"Developing a BASIC interpreter on the system was difficult, because the display alone used up almost all the available RAM. The solution to this problem was to store the BASIC program code in the video RAM."

hot trans girl shit. jamie fenton is a queen

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!