I'm so out of touch that, until I saw his name in writing, I thought Stan Lee was just some joe named Stanley whose last name everyone just knew.

IDK if this is common knowledge, or even if any other instances do this, but at least on my instance you can drag just about any masto URL into the search box, press enter, and get the post or profile as the search result.

I found this old book called "The White Pages" and the author just doxes like 20,000 people... Unbelievable!

I saw a 2024 Tesla Cybertruck for the first time with my own eyes while on foot today. It was almost new, yet it looked older, rattier, and rustier than my well-worn 1991 Mazda B2200.

If I didn't know better, I would've thought it was a redneck engineering job made from scrapyard parts, not something people with too much money paid thousands of dollars and dozens of months in waiting to buy into.

thank you to my half-asleep brain last night for giving me such a brilliant flash of inspiration

Show thread

[interior: Unicode consortium]

> Hey, should we have a glyph for a pointing finger?
> What about filled and outlined triangle?
Sure, but make them all different sizes.
> What about arrows?
Yeah, make tons but never a full set pointing in all directions. I'm talking seven 3D arrows but they all face right.
> Dominos?
Fuckin' all of them, man. Horizontal and vertical. Let's take that part seriously.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!