Where do you want to go today?™️ 

Some of the MS Answers suggestions worked, some didn't. "bootrec /fixboot" gave "Access is denied" for example.

But when it was done, the new SSD booted all the way. Now on every boot, it stops to ask which OS I want to boot: "Windows 10" or "Windows 10".

... I have to start over from cloning the full SSD again, don't I.

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using this clever 2D parity-checked pattern printed onto a sticker, you can direct any passersby with a smartphone straight to your company’s 404 page

Where do you want to go today?™️ 

- Clone dangerously full Win10 SSD to 8X larger SSD.

- Remove full SSD, install big SSD.
+ Win10 boots normally.

- Install full SSD for use as extra storage.
+ Win10 boots normally from big SSD.

- Clean up data, fix up system, update apps.
+ At some point, Win10 boots from full SSD instead.

- Remove full SSD, leave big SSD in.
Your PC/Device needs to be repaired
A required device isn't connected or can't be accessed.
Error code: 0xc000000e"

- wat

Oh, Magic 8-Ball, why is my customer not receiving that important email from Too Big To Fail Dot Com outsourcing mail delivery to Microsoft?

I can't wait for the day when the first things "rms" and "esr" universally conjure up in computer software are "Remote Management Software" and "Extended Support Release."

i think if as something as big as the Major League Baseball team Cleveland Guardians can change their name an image, there is no reason why The Second-rate Alternative To Adobe Photoshop can't

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!