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wait, the Haskell standard library does NOT have a safe version of list access by index!?



When I was in undergrad, I went to math seminars and they made me feel stupid. I didn't understand a single word. But I thought it'd get better.


The person we were gonna adopt a kitty from changed their mind last minute and I am gutted.

Glasgow, what's your favourite vegan place that delivers?

love it when shitposting mathematicians accidentally rediscover my main field of research


Mathematical logic system where all objects are one-time-use. You used Z/2Z in a proof? Guess what it's gone now.


I keep accidentally cold fermenting my hummus but it's really good so no complaints

if you pitch a workshop to someone, but miscommunicate a little, and they end up asking you for the CfP so they can submit... that's a good sign, right?

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trying as hard as I can to not start a workshop *before* I submit my thesis

Listen, I'm tired of finding novel ways to explain session types. How mad would y'all be if I just copied the same paragraph into every single paper?

I resent being in this tweet.


ADHD is: Needing structure but resenting anyone who tries to impose it. Including yourself.



Literally, the amount of effort I have to put in to keep the NHS from tripping over itself is OBSCENE.

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There would've been no other way for me to address that, since they also don't have an open phone line, only a voicemail inbox with weeks of backlog.

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I was only able to attend the meeting in which they told me they'd lost my referral because a friend of mine happened to know the url for the institution. They'd also forgot to send me the appointment link.

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@lambdagrrl my earlier feelings were completely unrelated to the NHS, today is a very feelings day.


I am so. fucking. fed. up. with the NHS consistently and predictably failing me on all fronts.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!