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😭 they don't reopen until JULY! this is a cRICEs 😭

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twitter is where I complain about life to people who follow me 'cuz I wrote a textbook and/or 'cuz I'm trans

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😭 the asian grocers is shut and I'm out of rice 😭

The woman yesterday:
Oh, this is wrong! I'll try and fix it, call back tomorrow!

The man today:
This isn't our problem, bye. *hangs up*

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The person I spoke to said "You're certainly a unique case", but if I'm I consistently falling through the cracks, I can't be the only one, right?

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Listen. I'm deeply appreciative of the NHS as a concept. I also think that as an overly complex and underfunded burocratic institution, it's got cracks you could drop an oil tanker through.

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The NHS bungled my vaccination appointment. Love that for me.

tfw when you have to write a talk and produce a video but your brain is like

Yes, I'm subtweeting Amazon product descriptions, what of it?

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Oof, I'm sure glad this finger splint is unisex, would be a shame if it didn't work 'cuz it was made for man-hands.

@dpwiz Yeah, I forget my accounts are linked up sometimes.

Hey Twitter! Spacemacs doesn't pick up on the default-extensions in my cabal file, forcing me to write them at the top of every file. Anything I'm likely to be doing wrong?

me: I LOVE this new place! it's so neat and tidy!

me, two weeks later: I LOVE this new place! it's covered in cat toys and small bits of cardboard!

literally just switched my code over to using Data.Sequence, 'cuz I didn't want to write my own !?

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Love "newspapers" being like "whoa, this is really a thing, to the extent there's a word for it!" and then the only search result for that word is their article.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!