twitter is where I complain about life to people who follow me 'cuz I wrote a textbook and/or 'cuz I'm trans
The woman yesterday:
Oh, this is wrong! I'll try and fix it, call back tomorrow!
The man today:
This isn't our problem, bye. *hangs up*
The person I spoke to said "You're certainly a unique case", but if I'm I consistently falling through the cracks, I can't be the only one, right?
Listen. I'm deeply appreciative of the NHS as a concept. I also think that as an overly complex and underfunded burocratic institution, it's got cracks you could drop an oil tanker through.
@dpwiz I'm using Dante at the moment.
@dpwiz Yeah, I forget my accounts are linked up sometimes.
Hey #haskell Twitter! Spacemacs doesn't pick up on the default-extensions in my cabal file, forcing me to write them at the top of every file. Anything I'm likely to be doing wrong?
literally just switched my code over to using Data.Sequence, 'cuz I didn't want to write my own !?