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solilo guy boosted

my company (MNT) is looking for office/production space in berlin, around 50sqm. preferably kreuzberg or mitte. we’ll be working on open (libre) hardware and software with a team of three. if you hear sth, please write to 🙏

# introduction 2/2
I enjoy mind-bending and , right now wanting to catch the latest Godard just as much as the latest episode; also raising my kids on .

Far from being a techie, I'm very passionate about and (desktop OS | mobile ). That's also why I might end up not tooting all that much, we'll see. When I do, it will involve everyday stuff, privacy issues and the occasional drawing or comics panel.

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Hey there fellow færies!
My name is Dirk, I'm a artist and writer from , Germany.

Currently working on my next , an Iceland-based documentary about , and the world-shaping power of storytelling. I used to live in for a while and it has a very special place in my heart.

Queer pop/culture aficionado (he/his) and caring 40ish poly dad of two.

solilo guy boosted

Reboost very welcome! Hamburg-Freiburg-Auto?

Moin! Masto-Magic gesucht! ✨ Und zwar in Form einer Person, die in nächster Zeit von Hamburg mit dem Auto nach Freiburg fährt, und eine Spenden-Lieferung für die @computertruhe mitnehmen kann. Es handelt sich hauptsächlich um Tastaturen und Mäuse. Es könnten Teile des Sprits übernommen werden. Nähere Infos können gern erfragt von mir werden.

solilo guy boosted

I released a new version of my Firefox extension that will forcefully redirect you away from privacy erosive services to better alternatives. It started as a joke, but I end up actually using it.

When I want to look up a place, I instinctively and mechanically start typing "maps.googl...". This extension will instead take me to OpenStreetMaps. It will also functionally translate Google Search links to DuckDuckGo and Google Translate links to Deepl.


solilo guy boosted
solilo guy boosted

E-mailing a Facebook recruiter 

No, thanks.

Facebook is a dishonest, harmful corporation.

[Examples omitted for brevity...]

I strongly encourage you to seek work elsewhere, so your efforts
do not further contribute to the damage caused by your employer.

As long as you do that job, you're complicit.

Please keep me on your list of potential candidates so I can
share this message with your other recruiters.

Thanks and good luck!
- Bjarni

solilo guy boosted

Joint press release by, Karuna and #Google:

So full of "social-washing": Google are the good guys, full of empathy, and this was their plan right from the start, because they love the neighborhood...

Yet this Karuna thing seems to have got some Google money (prize) and develops "blockchain-based wallet for homeless young people".

Let's scrutinize this further, while enjoying the sweet taste of -small, temporary, yet- symbolic victory!


solilo guy boosted

elementary OS 5 Juno is here. It’s more refined, more productive, and an even better platform for developers. We've majorly updated apps, made the desktop more productive with several new features, refined the overall look and feel, and a whole lot more.

solilo guy boosted

@dajbelshaw @jalcine @gargron @aral It may depend on definition here, but:

1 - Mozilla has never received less than 91% of its funding from royalties, the bulk of that coming from its default search engine contract. This contract has always been with Google except for a short period where it switched to Yahoo.
2 - for 2016 that meant $474M out of $520M was from this contract
3 - No one would claim that Google was anything *but* the epitomy of surveillance capitalism :)

Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!