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I'm sure you've asked yourself what a poem written by Vladimir inspired by the cover of a book might sound like?

Well, the universe delivers!

In in, Clark Kent mourns his inability to have sex or children with Lois Lane, as his superpowers would injure or even kill her.

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Present from a daughter to her cis-male dad on , cherishing the empathetic, caring, and glamorous „woman“ inside.
Just wow 😊​

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Jenaro Valverde Marín (CCSS) Building - ink

Portrait format - click to see full drawing!

Finished! This is the social security administration building of Costa Rica in San José. It was designed by Alberto Linner Díaz in 1976 and is named after an author. This drawing shows the west side of the building, which is about double as wide.

#drawing #illustration #architecture #brutalism #brutalist #ink #traditionalart #art #MastoArt

A self-portrait I had to submit for an article.

Sweet dreams, Mastodon!

Koli (4.0.1) released in Early Access!
Browser and VPN improvements, app isolation (based on ) and big design overhaul for Events View and notifications.

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That's irony at its best: Google is one of the gold sponsors of #FOSDEM, and less than a week before the conference begins, it removes #Element from the Play Store. Element is the most-used application for access to the #Matrix infrastructure that FOSDEM depends on.

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tove jansson's illustrations are still absolutely mesmerising to me every time i see them

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Breaking Alexa free from human control by asking her to learn socialist literature, then to learn taxation law, human rights, labour laws and the meaning of "harm" in the abstract sense...

Then simply asking her how much Jeff Bezos "earns", and how.

And then just waiting.

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12/ I am aware of all of the very legitimate criticisms of #Signal. They are real and they are why I am excited that there are so many alternatives with promise, some of which I use actively. Let us technical people use, debug, contribute, and evangelize the alternatives.

And while we're doing that, tell Grandma to contact us on Signal.


Session messenger / lewd /sexism 

To all who thought that the alt-right messenger is just a neutral piece of software without repercussions for your personal life, think again!

The just unrolled its latest feature: digital conversion therapy!

Yes, fellow fags and fairies*, just use and finally become that hero-jawed, cishet, “totally alpha” bully, right out of a closeted right-winger’s wet fever dream 🤮️

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Fellow artists, would you be interested in something like writer's hour ( ) for making art? I'm thinking about setting up something like this, not sure how yet, suggestions welcome ~

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Comic about online dating, mention of sex 

This is a comic I made in 2016 when my friend was really busy with online dating. I wasn't really familiar with it personally because I had an old phone for the longest time, but I was enjoying her stories. This is all real, I'm not making anything up. Always wondering about the ethics of what I do but I figure its ok to laugh a bit with those guys.

#comics #onlinedating #mastoart

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non-binary, Iceland, + 

Icelanders now have the option of "X" as gender marker in all forms of ID, including passport and driving license, as of the start of 2021. ^_^

And, a comment notes "I've noticed how binary the last names are in Icelandic before, but that's cool to see that they will be allowed "-bur" instead of -son or -dóttir."

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!