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The kids finally made me watch the movie today and I‘m happy to report that German mainstream audiences now know the good gals and guys use and go to |s.

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@peter @nickbarreto @chillja @mark
Cannot recommend #Ecosia, they send search data directly to #Bing alias #Microsoft and don't even try to protect your privacy. Also, they use a whole lot of third parties for some of their site features. Try using #Qwant, #Startpage, #Metager or #YaCy instead. More alternatives:

Currently drawing another -style chapter.

I actually cheated and skipped a more complicated chapter for this easier one - lots of stress and people to take care of these days, and I worried the pages would otherwise peter out entirely…

solilo guy boosted

Delete Chrome. Now.

Google is using its exceptionally powerful position to make *the browser itself* analyze your browsing behavior and serve that on a plate in the form of "cohorts" to anyone interested.

They are transforming Chrome into a "browsing-history-passport" - right now.

If you care about your intellectual freedom even a little bit, you must put Chrome out of your life as soon as possible. Support others doing the same.


solilo guy boosted

feels so fucking dumb scrolling through twitter getting pissed off at random shit and suddenly remembering "oh right, this site is designed to make me angry"

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solilo guy boosted

Steve Rogers, Antifascist 

It's easy to look at Captain America and see the propaganda image, especially what the in-bed-with-the-military movie continuity wants you to buy into. But the movies made a lot of changes that had nothing to do with the comics.
In the comics? Captain America was used to put a USA identity on speaking out against everything awful that was being done by the USA, to have the iconography of the state used against itself.

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Finished a new portfolio piece for my upcoming website revamp. This was an 'artist homage' assignment for a Zoom comics course I took via Push/Pull Seattle with David Lasky and Greg Stump

Since my comic takes place in Paris, France, I figured who better to emulate than Moebius?

#makingcomics #comics #mastoart #art #creativetoots #eyecontact

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solilo guy boosted

Our colleague Geir spent the entire day with the #Fagradalsfjall volcano yesterday. 🌋 It was a fun day. A lot of new land was formed while he was there.
#Reykjavik #Iceland

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solilo guy boosted
solilo guy boosted

(The New Yorker’s poetry editor Charles Pearce told Nabokov that “most of us appear to feel that many of our readers wouldn’t quite get it” and rejected to print it.)

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and when she sighs – somewhere in Central Park
where my immense bronze statue looms – “Oh, Clark …
Isn’t he wonderful!?!”, I stare ahead
and long to be a normal guy instead.

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at eight, he’d ruin the longest railway line
by playing trains with real ones; and at nine,
release all my old enemies from jail,
and then I’d try to break his head – and fail.
So this is why, no matter where I fly,
red-cloaked, blue-hosed, across the yellow sky,
I feel no thrill in chasing thugs and thieves –
and gloomily broad-shouldered Kent retrieves
his coat and trousers from the garbage can
and tucks away the cloak of Superman;




But even if that blast of love should spare
her fragile frame – what children would she bear?
What monstrous babe, knocking the surgeon down,
would waddle out into the awestruck town?
When two years old he’d break the strongest chairs,
fall through the floor and terrorize the stairs;
at four, he’d dive into a well; at five,
explore a roaring furnace – and survive;


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I’m young and bursting with prodigious sap,
and I’m in love like any healthy chap –
and I must throttle my dynamic heart
for marriage would be murder on my part,
an earthquake, wrecking on the night of nights
a woman’s life, some palmtrees, all the lights,
the big hotel, a smaller one next door
and half a dozen army trucks – or more.


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the heavy jaw; for I shall tell you now
my fatal limitation … not the pact
between the worlds of Fantasy and Fact
which makes me shun such an attractive spot
as Berchtesgaden, say; and also not
that little business of my draft; but worse:
a tragic misadjustment and a curse.


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Vladimir Nabokov

The Man of To-morrow’s Lament

I have to wear these glasses – otherwise,
when I caress her with my super-eyes,
her lungs and liver are too plainly seen
throbbing, like deep-sea creatures, in between
dim bones. Oh, I am sick of loitering here,
a banished trunk (like my namesake in “Lear”),
but when I switch to tights, still less I prize
my splendid torso, my tremendous thighs,
the dark-blue forelock on my narrow brow,


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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!