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solilo guy boosted

Auch schön:

"Der Wald ist der Bauch
den der Park beim Einatmen einzieht."

( Sebastian Unger)

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meets :

die stille und das trübe kellerlicht
des walds am nachmittag. und keine bären,
auch wenn dort vorn die gelben tatzenspuren der blätter leuchten, die der ahorn legt.

[aus "waldstück" von Jan Wagner]

solilo guy boosted
solilo guy boosted

Oh, man. This comic — from 1993 — could NOT be more relevant today. As usual, Bill Watterson hits it out of the park.

#Banks #Banking #Bailout #AntiCapitalism

Beautiful example of how “avant-garde” and “mainstream” comics constantly cross-pollinate:

’s walking over his own comic’s pages just as Julius Corentin Aquefaques did 20 years before.

Left: From “Le Processus” by Marc-Antoine Mathieu (1993)

Right: From “Young Avengers” by @kierongillen and Jamie McKelvie (2013)


Omg put this on my grave stone

[from a Guardian article about writer & poet Maggie Nelson]

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The BBC confirming the revolution will not, in fact, be televised

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Villains at a Comic Con pulled together to give little Wonder Woman a photo for life (by u/Profoundvalois669)

Adding screen-tones makes all the difference.
It's my digital fairy dust 🧚‍♂️​✨​

solilo guy boosted

Today! 2pm - I have the pleasure of speaking with Maureen Burdock about her brilliant graphic memoir Queen of Snails at the cartoon art museum here in San Francisco! Free, open to all - come on out!

solilo guy boosted

Nicht mehr lange bis zum 8.März. Legt schon mal eure lila Socken raus, malt die letzten Schilder und ladet eure Laptops auf. #Berlin

➡️ 11 Uhr FLINTA* CryptoParty
➡️ 14 Uhr FLINTA* Demo

#8M #8M2023

Dank an das Aktionsbündnis 8.März Stuttgart für die coolen Socken ❤️

solilo guy boosted
solilo guy boosted
solilo guy boosted

“My reputation for the rest of my life is destroyed!” Nah bro, your reputation has been synced with who you are. If that’s negatively affecting you, perhaps some self-reflection is in order, painful as that might be.

solilo guy boosted

🎨📰 Barbara Brandon-Croft was the first Black woman to have a syndicated comic strip for international audiences.

More than 30 years after her comics went mainstream, they are still as relevant and funny as they were in the ’90s. Dorothy Woodend writes.

solilo guy boosted

Hey #indigenousmastodon - I'm looking for an Indigenous comic artist who can do a really rad punk art style. Approx 8 pages. Paid project, great publisher, reasonable deadline.

If that's you, let me see your samples at indiginerds.anthology (at) gmail

Please boost!

So happy for you, – never give up on your dreams! 🌠​

solilo guy boosted

gently nsfw 

I made a browser extension that will replace all references to “Valentine’s Day” with “Horny Werewolf Day” in the web sites you visit. It’s fun and dumb and I like it a lot!



Safari: coming soon

racism in illustrations 

There's a politics of lines in and illustration.

Take this one from "Queer – A Graphic History", which accompanies a text on racial stereotypes.

It troubles me that the least amount of lines is used on the central white guy. He is drawn so much more abstract than anyone else!

Willingly or not, that presents him as the default human being, upon which you have to add a bunch of extra lines to create cliché Black or Asian eyes, lips or hair.

Line counts matter!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!