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@maple i didnt know that story... i wanted an account there but since its closed for new accounts im not there

eurritz boosted

since the art instance seems to be close, ill be uploading here my art

eurritz boosted

hate speech (only if youre a terf) 

morning reminder that all terfs should burn in hell

@maple i could never fully understand what ajax was.

i ended thinking it was the dc martian

hot web take 

@maple this is the sole reason i still use animate (flashs new name) and never bothered to switch to illustrator

my game stop working so im making another one while i dont think about it

eurritz boosted

@maple on second life i feel there are those people who is famous but i couldnt even see them. second life to me was a very very loneliness experience

on mastodon i have no idea what it takes to be famous. maybe posting on big instances? be friends with other "famous people"?

@BatElite i feel that 25 faves from people here are better than 9532435 faves from twitter

i love the fact that "mastodon famous" is something like 40πŸ” not 933534πŸ’Ÿ like twitter

@maple i used to play second life for a while but i got bored

eurritz boosted

This big goober is just sprawled over this chair like it ain't no thing

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!