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@mavica_again I get kinda sad bc all colorful instances are dying


americans: "is it healthy to add seasoning on food?"

today i spent the afternoon watchin lots of american animes

eurritz boosted

y'ever just

whenever you find an Abra in Pokemon

and you evolve it

just find yourself goin'

eurritz boosted

50 years ago Stanley Kubrick faked the moon landing

Being Kubrick he insisted on shooting it on location

eurritz boosted

today is the only day you can boost this but only if you also live in purple grid world

all teh cool kids are playing the final fantasy online

eurritz boosted

okay so

Sonic, when he takes damage, scatters rings everywhere, no matter how many chaos emeralds he's got.

In Super Sonic mode he's functionally immortal and can take any hit without damage.

and yet

Knuckles uppercutted him from under ground and that one punch not only caused him to drop all the Chaos Emeralds, but ALSO knocked him STRAIGHT OUTTA SUPER SONIC MODE.

Just how fuckin' hard did Knux punch him!?

eurritz boosted

“So what you’re saying is that you have dozens of accounts?”
“And servers just randomly shut down?”
“Oh all the freaking time.”
“And it works?”
“Yeah, it’s a lot better than Twitter actually.”

@maple im gonna add this emoji to if you dont mind (although i'll translate the name)

eurritz boosted

- a microSD card weighs somewhere around 0.4g
- the highest capacity microSD that's easily available is 256GB
- a trebuchet can throw a 90kg projectile over 300m

90kg worth of microSD cards is 225,000 of them

Therefore a trebuchet can throw 57.6PB of data over 300m

This would have the highest throughput of any telecommunications network ever created

eurritz boosted

it 👏 doesn't 👏 matter 👏 where 👏 you 👏 came 👏 from 👏 or 👏 when 👏 you 👏 joined 👏 mastodon

listening to the new chiptune = win album and its great

it seems this place is imune to all the drama that took the fediverso these days

eurritz boosted

Proposed: any time some rando comes into your mentions to explain something you already know, reply with "Thanks, Clippy."

eurritz boosted

It is a crime against branding that the DEC Rainbow computer logo is so beigewave

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!