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"job creation" is actually the name of my cloning device, which unfortunately only creates clones of steve jobs, and further, i cannot stop it, help


I tried a new biome this time around (brushland), but I was annoyed because it was full of thorns (which damage you), and quicksand (which you get stuck in), and crops didn't seem to grow, so I've moved my home to a maple forest.

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sfw furry art, sendaen 

stuck with the four petals and ram horns, but made the horns a bit more neat

also a bit less fluffy i guess

well, that gives me an excuse to try out some new stuff this time around, I guess!

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Windows Mobile
From Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia

This article is about the mobile phone platform from 2000 to 2010. It is not to be confused with Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone, or Microsoft Mobile.

burn microsoft to the ground

Become the ornate, endlessly intricate logistics simulator with endlessly intertwined dependency trees you want to see in the world

my latest minecraft house (1/2) 

Here's a tour of my latest minecraft house!

The roof is a little weird and I want to redesign it, but I'm happy with the rest of the house.

It all fits within one chunk!

positive, welfare requirements, partner mention 

the trainer eventually showed up, almost an hour late.

But aside from that, it actually went pretty ok – it's much better than the course Lottie had to go through, because they're actually getting us to actively learn things, and I get a certificate at the end.

I'm anxious about the amount of time that I'm going to have to spend on this, though, because it's 9am-4pm, but in a location that's 1.5 hours travel away from home, which is frustrating.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!