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A dragon landed outside the village. "Feed me," it demanded.
The elders conferred, then one stepped up. "What do you wish to eat?"
"Eh? Nobody has ever asked... What is there, apart from what every village feeds me?"
"Er... We have potatoes?"
"Then feed me these 'potatoes'!"
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

(my difficulty with this is that my brain wants to see the ɻ and p as a single combined symbol, when they actually aren't)

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levelhead looks really cool - it's a 2d platformer game about making your own levels and sharing them with other players:

(seizure warning for the video - there are a bunch of quick cuts)

unfortunately, it's quite expensive...

Doctor Who • Audio Dramas ░ Advice wanted 

In the course of doing this, though, I realised that the column for the Unbound stories makes no sense. The Unbound stories are all set in various parallel universes, with various "what if"s as the guiding principle behind the story. So instead of just saying which alternate reality characters are present, I've replaced the Featured Characters column with a "What if" column, explaining the core conceit of the story.

Do I need to clarify any of these?

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Doctor Who • Audio Dramas ░ Meta 

For all the stories in the audio guide, the middle column is for "Featured characters", which gives you a good impression of which companions and recurring characters are going to feature in the story, without actually requiring a full description.

Except I discovered recently that the source I got that info from was perfectly happy to spoil surprise reveals and such, so I'm going through the guide and removing instances where things are spoiled by that column.

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Doctor Who • Audio Dramas ░ Embrace the Darkness 

I listened to Embrace the Darkness half a month ago, but I really loved it.

This "season" of 8th Doctor stories is really hecking good.

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me: *busy cleaning*
my brain: you should make a minecraft clone in haskell

@lizardsquid Unfortunately it's almost never actually true. Every couple of years someone claims to have cracked the thing, although none of them have ever bothered to do anything like, say, produce a translation or earn the consensus of other scholars.

The kicker for me was "The solution to the codex of MS408 was developed over a 2-week period". Two weeks, you say! Gosh, it really sounds like he labored long and hard over this. Outsider decipherments do occur (Linear B was cracked by an architect), but they still take years of careful work and collaboration with other scholars. Even Champollion (Egyptian Hieroglyphic) or Michael Ventris (the Linear B guy) didn't do it alone. In *two weeks*.

I just read a somewhat convincing claim that the Voynich manuscript has been translated:

...and then a very convincing explanation of how that's not actually true:

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!