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Do any #tabletopgaming folks know of any system-agnostic roleplay supplements? Things like settings, item and character descriptions, or other tools that help you generate flavour for a campaign?

re: morrowind | 7 (cw: religion (general)) 

I think it's a really cool piece of worldbuilding, that the empire's religion is called a "cult", in the same way that Daedra worshippers are part of a "daedric cult".

Especially in contrast to the primary Dunmer religion, which is referred to as "the temple" or "the tribunal temple".

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re: morrowind | 6 (cw: religion (general)) 

now I get to have a conversation with my favourite Balmora resident: Hul.
She's an argonian pauper, and I've always felt a kinship to her.

Something I've been reminded of is that this game refers to the religion of the empire as "The Imperial Cult".
Unlike Oblivion and Skyrim, which just refer to it as the "Church" or as the "Eight divines/Nine divines", in the morrowind province it's a foreign religion that is less commonly followed.

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re: morrowind | 5 

Ah wonderful old balmora...

And with Arkngthand looming in the distance, inspiring adventure but also peril...

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re: morrowind | 4 

A thick fog descended over the bitter coast at night, making travel treacherous. Even in the early morning light, it is still difficult to see much...

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re: morrowind | 3 

I love that you can see the mainland from Seyda Neen (assuming you have the view distance turned up)

It completely changes the feel of Seyda Neen - instead of a horrible swamp town on the edge of a vast ocean, it now feels like a horrible swamp town that's just part of something bigger.

It also makes your arrival there make sense - the ship is actually travelling to somewhere better nearby, they've just stopped at Seyda Neen quickly to dump you off...

(I hope Jiub is ok...)

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re: morrowind | 2 

I had forgotten that the prison ship at the beginning has actual bones and skulls in it... what the heck happened on this ship that allowed people to just turn into skeletons???

And why weren't they just thrown overboard on the journey???

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morrowind | 1 

I'm starting a new morrowind playthrough, this time with one main goal: to explore the new stuff in the latest update!

I've had TR installed in all of my playthroughs for the last few years, but I've never actually visited it properly...

re: morrowind mods!!! 

(the original Morrowind game only includes a single island in the Morrowind region, this mod project aims to put all of the mainland into the game)

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morrowind mods!!! 

A new version of Tamriel Rebuilt has come out today!!!!

I'm so excited!!!!

re: fiction podcast recommendation 

(For peeps with audio processing difficulty, I will warn you that there are sections where voices overlap with each other - but luckily there are transcripts!)

BTW: they've just come back from a 3 year hiatus - but they have actually spent a lot of that time recording and preparing audio, to the point where 2/3rds of the main cast have already recorded all of their lines for the entire storyline, and the entire next year's worth of episodes are fully edited

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fiction podcast recommendation 

yay, one of my favourite fantasy podcasts is back!

It's called Counterbalance. The main character is a fluffy and feathery academic expert in magic runes, who is sent out to patch a hole between the magic weave world and reality.

(She's also queer!)

One thing I like about it is that the recording of the events is actually done in-universe in a really creative way.

Their website is here:

[hurtling through wormhole]
ME: Yes my time machine worked perfec-
[a clock smashes me in the face]
ME: [holding broken nose] Wad deh fugg
[a second clock hits, knocking me out]
[my unconscious body continues to plunge through time and space, pummelled by clocks]

once again wishing i could see what a real opabinia looked like

(it's kinda frustrating how difficult it is to find dotted notebooks - I love them, and it feels so much nicer to use dots rather than lines)

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oh, today I went out and got a notebook (with dotted pages!) that I can use to write down my conlang & worldbuilding ideas while I'm at work or wandering around!

I'm hoping it will really help reduce the sense of not having enough time to do worldbuilding things that I have been having

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!