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it'd be neat if there was a compressed mode for masto, which cuts out the buttons at the bottom of posts

cw 90s overmanly action film aesthetic 

@eliza actually that was a lie my mate drew this one for me

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Well done ProtonMail #phishing at hxxps://adrninistrator[.]site/ikman/vv/
Email is mocking a ProtonMail error message (same red color when decryption can't work #cf9696) cc @protonmail

You can turn off the news and sign off social media for a bit. It's okay.

sex in tv shows 

stop doing it

please... it's so forced and uncomfy

short affectionate/romantic story with reader 

I look into your eyes and blush as I fall helplessly in love with you

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!