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long, griping about Steam input binding 

@kistaro I haven't worked with Steam Input recently but I feel like it should be possible to bind the action to a button press, in which case 1 press should result in 1 action (activating or deactivating the layer).

Google and ad blockers 

Thinking about Google responding to the popularity of ad blockers by trying to put up technical barriers. I'd say they're putting enough effort into it that they must consider ad blocking a threat to their business.
Yet I don't see them making any attempt to address the critical problems that make ad blocking necessary. I figure they feel they either can't fix those problems, or wouldn't make money if they did. Either one would mean their business can't exist without scams.

kink, hypnosis // 

@lioness Update: we are now somewhat fractionated as a result of doing this. But we like how it turned out.

kink, hypnosis // 

@lioness We have a very "organic" scripting system that randomizes playlists and can include TTS using and we just leave earbuds in and let it run on our tablet overnight. (It's set up to start with something to help us fall asleep followed by like 4 hours of silence because we don't respond well to waking up in that part of the cycle.)

kink, hypnosis // 

@lioness OK this has inspired us to really revamp this particular aspect of the automated mind-fuckery system. -Menderbot

kink, password security advice // 

@lioness We ended up just programming the device to periodically remind ourselves of both of those things instead. But we hadn't considered combining the two. -Menderbot

re5: plurality // 

@lioness Having a specific idea of what a particular headmate might look like if they existed sounds likely plural to me. It could mean you're picking up a desire from a spark (ask Joanna in my discord about sparks & shells sometime if you want to hear an interesting theory) that isn't yet able to express that desire overtly. At this point we just run with that kind of thing when it happens.

re5: plurality // 

@lioness Out of curiosity (don't do it now if you can't afford a loss of function in the short term), have you ever made it explicit internally that you want others to get it contact? Like, you know whether you do or not but have you ever actually said it to yourself? -Menderbot

re5: plurality // 

@lioness FWIW we didn't discover plurality by someone "getting in contact" because we were already chatting constantly (with learning hypnosis thankfully cutting down on the chatter) and just didn't know how to tell ourselves apart. So, you know, it can be subtle. -Menderbot

re9: hypnokink objectification mindfuckery poll consequences 

@lioness yt-dlp can download files from soundcloud. Soundcloud has autoplay that I don't think can be turned off, and I've observed the autoplay choosing bad (abusive) hypno so I would not recommend listening to a hypno file on it, ever, nor putting them there.

streaming Starting another randomizer because I have no restraint.

Reading about a construct I've been wanting to know better for a while: self-compassion!

"one of the advantages of self-compassion over self-esteem is that self-compassion is not based on the performance evaluations of self and others, or on congruence with ideal standards. Rather, self-compassion circumvents the entire self-evaluation process altogether (positive or negative), focusing instead on feelings of kindness and [...] recognition of one’s common humanity" (Neff et al. 2005)

@sota767 That's what I'd expect. I don't see them on my main timeline in the web interface, or in Tusky.

@Sophie I also ended up with that group for 1 day, not because I had any trouble swimming, but they asked me if I could tread water (I could) and I didn't know what that meant. I then proceeded to scare the instructor by doing that the entire time.

I needed to understand the angles on Threads federation in a more rigorous way, so I took a few days to think through and write up my sense of the benefits, risks, and available risk mitigations, along with loopholes that need closing and questions to discuss with fediverse administrators.

This is a blisteringly hot subject for me, so it's hard to keep my head cool enough to understand other people's trade-offs, but I'm trying.

normal gamedev: all bugs must be squashed! this build is bug free. 🚫🐛
indie gamedev: yay a weird bug! i will gain its trust, befriend it, and make it a feature. ❤️🐛

kink, speech restriction, "you", parasocial interaction // 

streaming Streaming BIT.TRIP Runner with untested settings on upgraded Internet connection. I hope nothing breaks.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!