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@b0rk I think I know intuitively what "top" and "bottom" mean (at least in the diff3 format), even though if someone asked me, answering would require more thought. In the process of comparing to the middle revision, I'll think things like "oh, upstream did this" without really thinking about which one is upstream.

@recursive Never had a name for that before. That template fucked us up so much. Ultimately it was kinky people that showed us a better way.

Tonight my clocks progress forward in a completely normal, linear fashion because I have them set to UTC. For some strange reason, everyone around me will start doing things an hour earlier than before.

re: kink, hypnosis, training, practicality // 

@lioness I think putting in the time to practice isn't enough. Practice for us was like: gradual improvement, plateau, finding the thing that leads to a breakthrough, repeat. You need to have a strategy that helps you find the breakthroughs, or you're likely to get stuck at a plateau.

Folks with ADHD, how did you feel when the acronyms shifted, and instead of having #ADD and #ADHD, now the "correct" term is ADHD?

When I was diagnosed in 2000, it was largely because they'd finally discovered that ADD without hyperactivity was a thing, and that girls/women presented as inattentive more often than hyperactive (thus why they were often overlooked). It still feels inaccurate every time I write "ADHD" in reference to myself (yet often get corrected if I use "ADD").

@neilk @b0rk Do you have "ours" and "theirs" in your conflict markers? I vaguely remember it being a thing, but I can't get them to show up now.

@b0rk Interesting, the meaning of HEAD is intuitive to me for rebases, because I think of a rebase as checking out the base revision and applying a series of cherry-picks to it.


Check temperature of environment (sometimes we're too hot or too cold and don't realize it).
Make sure we've taken our meds.
We have a grounding trigger we can use if we're looping on something.
Switch to someone else in-system who might have more energy.
Cuddle someone in-system.
More of a passive thing but finding the "App Timer" feature on our phone has helped recently.

kink roles question, discussion welcome // 

@lioness I'm not sure how I'd self-identify? I know now that I'm interested in both, because of interactions with iore, but so far I can't quantify that interest beyond "yes". If we go by time spent I'd be sub-leaning, but that's for entirely practical reasons and not a preference so it doesn't ring true to me. -Cedar

kink roles question, discussion welcome // 

@lioness It's all self-identification, isn't it? You have more energy for one, or prefer it more often, or however it makes sense for you to think about it. I've never heard of the actual time/effort/whatever spent on scenes having anything to do with it. -Mattie

stream announcement Playing BIT.TRIP Runner. Second outing with new foot controller.

lucid dream attempts // 

@lioness You might want to add some kind of "probing" to that.

From our experience it's possible to end up in a state that's indistinguishable from laying motionless in bed, except that your senses are open to being manipulated. We tend to imagine full body movement, such as a rocking motion, to test this. If we get there, then engaging our imagination in pretty much any way will initiate a lucid dream. (Lately we imagine being upright and falling over for that part.)

Visualization progress: when one shape is partially obscured by another, we can now sort of see an outline of where the obscured part of the shape might be, as if it's a subtle difference in lighting. -Nikki

coining "hydroamory" for people who want only one partner, but are cool with their partner having other partners (after hydrogen)

self plural ramble 🧵13 

@lioness There are definitely those of us here who are like that - they never seem to come out spontaneously, but they'll answer if someone talks to them. -Cedar

My favorite film, Everything Everywhere All At Once, is on Netflix now. In case anyone was waiting to see it.

I can now play "block faker" in game mode on my steam deck (via ruffle.js), and I've set up custom assets for it.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!