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@b0rk A good practice that makes #2 less likely is "git config --global commit.verbose true" and reviewing the contents of every commit you make before writing the commit message. If you notice it has things you don't want, you can close the file without a commit message (or delete the commit message if there is one), and the commit will be aborted with your index left as it was.

Okay, we've now updated to the latest glitch-soc version.

:boosts_ok_gay: For anyone else; PLEASE update (or nag your admin to update) your mastodon version, this vulnerability is serious, it allows people to inject posts into others' feeds, impersonating them, and the advisory also says that they can "takeover" their account;

@Sophie Thank you, this happens to me and I would never have thought to look for a name for it (I guess it happens with autism too).

@georgetakei for those that it helps: this is usually called “Waiting Mode” and it’s common for several neurodivergencies, especially ADHD.

If it’s a problem, knowing the name can help find solutions that work for you. (Personally I embrace my waiting mode, I use the time to de-stress ahead of potentially stressful appointments, and prepare scripts to get me through them)

@lioness Put something in there that's appealing to you? I have hex-tiled ropes and a spinny chair inside to play with.

Or, our trick when learning hypnosis was to work on something unfalsifiable so we couldn't be sure it wasn't working. -iore

vore, noncon, torture, "you", Rationalist // 

@lioness But if you're not motivated by future outcomes none of that matters.

@hollie We did a daily art challenge (5 minute doodles, on a timer) for a while and it was hard. I think it helped that the goal was just "put down at least one mark and work on it for exactly 5 minutes", but we still gave up after a while because we stopped doing anything new.

Anyway, hope you have more success and above all fun making stuff. Don't be too hard on yourself.

re: dream, hypno // 

@lioness I feel like the move there is to choose the "power down" option but try to stay lucid while you do it.

Albuquerque, NM, has become the largest U.S. city to permanently make public transportation free for everyone. The city found that fares didn’t cover the administrative fees, so they actually save money by making public transportation free.

vore, noncon, torture, "you", Rationalist // 

@lioness This motivation assumes that you actively want others after you to not be eaten, rather than being indifferent or wishing the same fate on others.

becoming a system stuff, kink mention // 

@lioness Not sure it's the best idea to involve new headmates in kink anyway.

@varve @b0rk I mean using a static site generator (hand-coding wouldn't be "generation").

@b0rk Static website generation, or at least I don't know what I can point people to as an introduction to it. Tutorials I've found don't really explain what they're doing and why.

re2: age & relationship nonsense // 

@lioness I doubt another person would've helped with that. -Menderbot (previous post was also me)

re2: age & relationship nonsense // 

@lioness We didn't figure any shit out until nearly our 30s.

@b0rk Merge upstreams only. Test merges immediately and push them before doing further work. If the merge can't be pushed due to non-ff, redo the merge. I don't want to work with anything more complicated than 2 parallel histories with merges syncing them.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!