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Mary :blobpats: boosted

what is "free software"? why do people say software isn't free, even though you can download it for free from the app store? (long, serious) 

there are a lot of ways you could define "free software". for example, you could say candy crush or CCleaner is free software, because you can install it for free.

when people say that software is "free as in freedom", or "libre", they mean something else. under these definitions, neither candy crush nor CCleaner would be free software. in order to be free by these definitions, software needs to fulfill these four criteria:
- the ability to run the software for any reason, without restrictions. this means that the free version of teamviewer is not libre, as it tells you that you must purchase a license to use it commercially.
- being able to study and modify the program's inner workings. this requires the source code being available. software that doesn't provide the source code thus cannot fulfill this term, and software like snapchat, which bans users for running modified versions, is definitely not one of these.
- being allowed to redistribute the software. if you buy a macbook, you can install updates for free, but you certainly aren't allowed to redistribute these updates.
- being allowed to distribute modified versions to others. if you're not allowed to download the app, make some changes, and send that to people, it breaks this rule. the youtube app is free, but google wouldn't allow you to do this.

all of the software mentioned in those four basic rules is "free", but not free. this distinction is often used by saying "gratis" or "libre" - gratis software is free as in "free donuts", but libre software is free as in "freedom".

as with anything, it's hard to make clear cut rules to define what is and isn't an example of libre software. the cooperative software license prohibits most companies from using the software, but is otherwise entirely libre. this violates the first rule above, but i would say it's still a free software license, although the free software foundation would disagree with me on that.

here's a link to the cooperative software license: - check section 4 for the restrictions mentioned above.

and finally, here's a link to the FSF's article on what is and isn't free software. this is where those four rules came from - the FSF calls them the four essential freedoms.

neither of these links are necessarily an endorsement of the contain contained within.


question, potentially controversial 

people: what exactly do you propose instead of police?

Mary :blobpats: boosted
Mary :blobpats: boosted

why is there still not enough minecraft letsplays on peertube

do i really need to fuel this economy

Mary :blobpats: boosted

open if a japanese videogame corporation has been revealed to be cooperating with law enforcement in some way 

more like nintendo snitch

star trek discovery 


@lynnesbian Apparently they have their own model of the device with a rom that doesn't have the switch in developer options because ..?

Anyone know why I can't store a CryptoKey in IndexedDB in Firefox, but I can in Chromium?

This is half shitpost, half serious curiosity: how much estrogen would it take for someone to die? 🤔

Instead of making intuitive UIs, lets bring back those 'tip of the day' popups whenever you start the program I always thought it had a double 'n' ('bannana' or 'bananna') or would accidentally add an extra 'na' like you is the only reason I know how to spell banana

Mary :blobpats: boosted
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!