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if you don't think people get how debilitating rejection sensitivity can be.

do you ever just dissociate heavily when looking at it.

goodness gracious why did we let others tell us what we lived.

re: Technical debt shitpost 

@arielmt unfortunately at this point that would be more fun to me than modern programming

one day i'll have access to adhd medication and then it's over for y'all bitches

me: i could totally program a nes game entirely in assembly

also me: hasn't touched a compiler in months

also me: spent the last entire week doing nothing but browsing social medias

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now i'm not saying that evolution and new developments shouldn't be made

but i don't think that the conglomerate that couldn't keep an RSS reader afloat should be in charge of what those new developments look like

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png is more than plenty adequate for lossless images such as drawings and pixel art, was never considered adequate for things like photorealistic photographs, and yet now simply because it's old we think that it needs to be replaced by webp, a much less adequate format, introducing incompatibilities with anything that is no longer being currently developed (a budget BRICS smartphone from 2 weeks ago, for example), shoved down our throats by a company that quietly stopped saying "don't be evil"

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it's interesting how in computing fields we say that anything old "sucks"

"zip compression sucks" so do internal combustion engines but for a while it was pretty much the only form of powering a car

there's a lot of this shifting perception of something being stationary while what moves is time and how it changes how we think and talk about it that i don't think other fields particularly have

or maybe i'm just spewing bullshit again. but i still think there's brain rot in computing

anyone in UK who hasn't responded to the NHS consultation on banning puberty blockers for EVERYONE except children who agree to be part of a clinical study, you have until Tuesday to do so

Respond here!

#trans #transrights #transrightsarehumanrights #NHS #ukpol #ukpolitics

@digikitty_x86 at least as a daily driver. if i'm just trying to do dumb shit like run modern firefox on a laptop that has an architecture that linux identifies as "pentium4" then yes it's a great toy, too

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!