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The images issue has been temporarily fixed, but there's still a lot of work left for making it permanently fixed. Our storage issue has gone from "stuff is breaking" to "kind of cramped."

There's nothing to be done for it except keep using this instance normally and please have patience if anything breaks again in the next few days.

Also, thank you all for your patience. :heart_cyber:

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(read: i realize i fucked up 3 years ago and now have to fix a lot of my own technical debt)

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Hi everybody! First of all sorry about the recent issues with Computer Fairies and downtime. It turns out, we have some issues with our storage that will take a few days to sort out. Until then, we're bringing the instance back online, which will still show some issues but you should be able to make and read text posts.

so what's happening is our instance had a problem with images

and remote posts with images got clogged in the sidekiq queue

and now they're ALL catching up

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Uptime is good for Linux, but it turns out uptime isn't so good for Ruby on Rails.

@jkb like an emulator, except over time new releases of emulators gradually become more accurate and converge on the correct intended experience, whereas over time new releases of browsers gradually diverge into newer, weirder, and more user-hostile stuff

as the years went on, i started seeing more and more stuff that was web-based rather than being an actual computer program i could own. PHP forums, java applets, flash, javascript SPAs. people tried to make websites do more and more, but they still always felt like... not real software? there was always something janky and bad about the whole experience, or the design, and that feeling's never really gone away for me. everything on a computer is like this now, even the OS feels like a web page

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Today I learned that Apple Air Pods Pro in noise cancelling mode perfectly cancels the clicking of a geiger counter. You would not know it was making a sound. I hope that this is not relevant to /your/ day.

@burgerbecky oh and just to make sure, these converters all work with M.2 SATA, not NVMe. a little harder to find outside of China these days as it's a bit outdated. this is my recommended store to get them from, the GUDGA brand seems most reliable

@burgerbecky i bought mine from AliExpress, but you should be able to find the same thing on eBay or Amazon if you want. they're all pretty generic:

@burgerbecky best solution i've come across is using an M.2 to IDE converter, worked well for my iBook G4

this keyboard has N-key rollover but what's the point given that no software supports the ability to write multiple characters on top of eachother by mashing them at the same time

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!