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it's awkward is all. i don't want to keep track of everybody who has a grudge with me but when i don't i get told i'm being abusive or something

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lil bit weird when i find people who were blocking me on twitter not blocking me on mastodon like am i supposed to let them know as if i was on a list and need to announce myself to new neighbours or do i get a mulligan for each new social media platform

I'm thrilled that my short story "Spit" is in the upcoming first issue of DOG TEETH, "a lit mag dedicated to queering sex, gender, species, and everything in between"! This is the first time since 2010 that I've submitted a piece for consideration. I guess this makes me 2 for 2 over thirteen years!

It came out two months ago and the "Sicko Shock 2" audio drama is still with me. No story has better expressed the ennui, misery and joy of being Online in the 2020s. Its execution is staggering. Six episodes perfectly written, performed, and sound-designed.

Speaking of LLMs as the enshittification du jour, the lawyer who had ChatGPT do his homework for him:

Depressingly got away with it via a punishment a lot less severe than the disbarment he deserved:

All this does is perpetuate the soul-destroying bullshit's appearance as the new hype.

This isn't the future I was promised.

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reject god and become a god. become a god. become a god. become a god. become a retro web browsers has made me progressively hate the MTF label. it feels like breathing new life into it. i have a last ditch resort of attention whoring

i want to laugh out loud at every single sad fucker who has ever thought that chatgpt is a programming assistance tool

I have bounced around on the fediverse for several years but as of today, I think is my home. Thank you @mavica for setting it up for us!

More fonts? More fonts!

ABSOLUTE and HOLOTYPE are also available on Itch now! Download them for free, or donate to get the premium charset~✨

#pixelart #fonts #assets

Folks, I'm really sorry. Computer Fairies went down because I made a stupid mistake. I gave the site host a CC to hold & draw payment from, but it expired last month, and I forgot to give them a new CC until today. Again, I'm really sorry about the downtime.

i'm just a stupid queer plural fucker with cptsd and enough time on the online to have made enemies for the dumbest reasons. you should follow me around if only to watch me fuck up and laugh at my misfortune i promise you a good time

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!