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enjoying the trend held over from twitter where i block a reply guy and they cope post about me blocking them

@drwho who knew that the path to world domination all along was free inboxes and a sensationalist hi-speed footage ad back in 2010

it's so funny to me how webp literally got a massive vulnerability in its library and people are still defending it over png and jpeg

daddy google is not going to notice you

@sleep i've done similar and you can get nice results like that! but i'm really wondering how these were originally done, i'm sure it's with some 3d software but id really like to have specifics rather than reverse engineer by sight

i want to find some software that will generate me the curved structures so i can pipe it into something like for example pov-ray for rendering

i don't mean just the material look but also something to generate the structure itself for me, if something like this is only done by hand or there's some random generator out there i can make do curves and stuff for me

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@elrido not what i'm looking for, and i don't use software with childish pretext for offensive names

@DeltaWye i already know how to work the blender UI, i'm mostly wondering if there's a generative program that will make the curved shapes, like how there are things such as tree generators for pov-ray. i should've specified that in the main post (replies don't federate with boosts of the main post)

thanks for the tips!

i don't mean just the material look but also something to generate the structure itself for me, if something like this is only done by hand or there's some random generator out there i can make do curves and stuff for me

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@sol_hsa i got pretty good results forcing the opengl rendering and fullbrite lighting

this was rendered in blender

i rendered the background using apophysis on a modern computer which took just under 2 minutes but everything else was composited in Photoshop 7.0 on a pentium II laptop running Windows 98

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does anyone have a good way for making 3d glassy shape stuff like the os x aqua wallpapers

Setting aside the whole "we hired a cop because they used a bunch of raspis to do cop stuff, hashtag heart eyes" problem, this whole "it's a lot faster, costs more and you need to worry about cooling now" edition raspi definitely feels like they've lost the plot.

The and orangepi people are still doing good work in this space, if that's your jam.

@bob @glennf Nice! Inspired me to dig out the official icons we drew for Cartoon Network all the way back in 2004! 🥰

since bandcamp's future is uncertain i'm bringing back blamscamp (by @suricrasia ). it lets you make an in-browser player for your album that you can put on! it's pretty easy and straightforward to use and works just fine. you can sell music on itch BTW

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!