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ppl talk shit about how tumblr somehow makes every baby gay think they need a microlabel to be special when twitter forces young queers into a strict label or they get sent gore


Computer Fairies folks, we're not rushing the turnover. We will have to schedule some outages in order for me to take over the hosting and bill-paying responsibility, but I'll be sure to let you know over on @admin when and for how long.

Hey friends!

We are very happy to announce that the instance will now no longer be shutting down at the end of the year and will instead keep running, helmed by our very own @arielmt!

We're currently handing over all the relevant things and Ariel will be taking post as full and sole administrator in the near future

i.e. a lighter weight frontend page for searching/playing youtube videos without much of the js heft

my ibook can play youtube embeds fine but it struggles loading youtube dot com slash v=

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New on the Secret Area: It's Darwinia, an early Steam darling.

A fun action-RTS with a lot of references to the UK computer scene. Introversion made something really cool.

Likes, shares, and comments appreciated, as always.



trying to convince my friend that there really was a nintendo DS launch title called “Penn & Teller’s Shithead Basketball”


here's my super generous offer to you i will ship you a zeebo for only 500 USD severely undercutting any competition i have on ebay at the moment

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are people in the usa really paying 2.5k for used zeebos?

suddenly i have an idea for a get rich quick scheme...


Hi! I could still use some feedback here! Would be cool if some could take out a few minutes and let me know what they think!



trans girls can be cute without makeup or facial femme surgery :)

retweet if you know it's true!!


trans girls can be cute without makeup or facial femme surgery :)

retweet if you know it's true!!


trans girls can be cute without makeup or facial femme surgery :)

retweet if you know it's true!!


the morton jankel cut vindicates the super mario brothers movie

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!