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the great thing about fedi is there’s truly an instance for everyone!! :nanowow:

you could join if you’re a Autistic schizo trans g/acc slime creature :xf_slimegirl:

you could join if you’re a sentient artificial intelligence from 200 years in the future :blobcatbot:

you could join if you are a rat, an ordinary rat 🐀

you could join if you are canceled :disqana:

you could join if you are a spambot 🤖

you could join if you are a colonizer :marseybritish:

you could join if you want to get the wall with the rest of your nazi friends :blobcatdied:💥:abegun:

EVERYONE has a home on the fediverse :senkohappy:

another CGA portrait, commissioned by ! the background on this one was really fun to do!

if you like these and want one of your own, check out !

this account might not always be just mavica

we're not great at telling front switches and words just come out here anyway :queerplural:

Periodic reminder:

Once installed:
* Menu button
* Add-ons and themes
* Find more add-ons box: "ublock origin" [Enter]
* uBlock Origin by Raymond Hill
* Add to Firefox

Every Web browser sucks, but at least use one *not* designed to let everyone track you & install malware & fake warnings urging you to call 1-800-FLEECE-ME to remove extended car warranty viruses.

indoors, no light to speak of, and in a cheap plastic shit camera, not to mention home c41 processing in a bathroom sink. superia still pulls a picture off it

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enjoying the trend held over from twitter where i block a reply guy and they cope post about me blocking them

it's so funny to me how webp literally got a massive vulnerability in its library and people are still defending it over png and jpeg

daddy google is not going to notice you

i don't mean just the material look but also something to generate the structure itself for me, if something like this is only done by hand or there's some random generator out there i can make do curves and stuff for me

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i don't mean just the material look but also something to generate the structure itself for me, if something like this is only done by hand or there's some random generator out there i can make do curves and stuff for me

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i rendered the background using apophysis on a modern computer which took just under 2 minutes but everything else was composited in Photoshop 7.0 on a pentium II laptop running Windows 98

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does anyone have a good way for making 3d glassy shape stuff like the os x aqua wallpapers

Setting aside the whole "we hired a cop because they used a bunch of raspis to do cop stuff, hashtag heart eyes" problem, this whole "it's a lot faster, costs more and you need to worry about cooling now" edition raspi definitely feels like they've lost the plot.

The and orangepi people are still doing good work in this space, if that's your jam.

@bob @glennf Nice! Inspired me to dig out the official icons we drew for Cartoon Network all the way back in 2004! 🥰

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!