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do you ever just dissociate heavily when looking at it.

goodness gracious why did we let others tell us what we lived.

one day i'll have access to adhd medication and then it's over for y'all bitches

me: i could totally program a nes game entirely in assembly

also me: hasn't touched a compiler in months

also me: spent the last entire week doing nothing but browsing social medias

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now i'm not saying that evolution and new developments shouldn't be made

but i don't think that the conglomerate that couldn't keep an RSS reader afloat should be in charge of what those new developments look like

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png is more than plenty adequate for lossless images such as drawings and pixel art, was never considered adequate for things like photorealistic photographs, and yet now simply because it's old we think that it needs to be replaced by webp, a much less adequate format, introducing incompatibilities with anything that is no longer being currently developed (a budget BRICS smartphone from 2 weeks ago, for example), shoved down our throats by a company that quietly stopped saying "don't be evil"

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it's interesting how in computing fields we say that anything old "sucks"

"zip compression sucks" so do internal combustion engines but for a while it was pretty much the only form of powering a car

there's a lot of this shifting perception of something being stationary while what moves is time and how it changes how we think and talk about it that i don't think other fields particularly have

or maybe i'm just spewing bullshit again. but i still think there's brain rot in computing

anyone in UK who hasn't responded to the NHS consultation on banning puberty blockers for EVERYONE except children who agree to be part of a clinical study, you have until Tuesday to do so

Respond here!

#trans #transrights #transrightsarehumanrights #NHS #ukpol #ukpolitics

happy pacman syu day everybody hope you emerge from it with a system that still boots

big disclaimer if you take anything i post too seriously thats tyour'e own godtamn fault bucko

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maybe .exes were the better binary executable format all along. linux has a lot to learn from windows it turns out

what sort of brain fog made snap and flatpak look like more appealing propositions to linux users than appimages?

@arielmt honestly between snap and flatpak i think both are egregious mistakes and the linux development community needs to use a "non-free" computer again to figure out what is it that "normal" people expect of them

If you finally found the solution to your coding problem in a deep comment or something after having dozens of tabs open, you should write about it in your own blog.

Really. Describe the problem in your own words and the solution for it, even if the solution seems really obvious now. Doesn’t matter. Give credit and whatever, but use your own words because you will be surprised at how many people will land on it.

Write the blog post you wish you had found.

Most recent project, Real grade GP01-FB, gundam zephrantes full burnen (full vernien makes more sense but this is how it got translated ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
This was a fun, challenging build of a really cool mobile suit, I love the detachable core fighter and the little Vernier thrusters around the chassis, definitely worth it

Observation abut the TBS clique 

One thing I notice about the fediclique is that, they literally do not post anything other than political stuff. Like, you never hear about their interests, what they like, etc. It's almost always entirely activist posts, and it's always the most aggressive ones at that.

In my experience being online, people who are only ever activists and do not dedicate any part of their lives to non-political stuff, tend to be really unkind people. Part of this is why I don't even consider myself an activist anymore. Activist crowds are rife with abusive power dynamics and cult thinking, and just generally unkind people
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!