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I wrote a new werewolf story about what it feels like when gender transition isn't enough. Look for "Spit" in the upcoming first issue of DOG TEETH, "a lit mag dedicated to queering sex, gender, species, and everything in between"

as reported by a friend: EA launcher (née Origin)'s error reporter's character counter replaces "1/2" with "½"

i think my win98 laptop got a virus or something

which like, fair, win98 viruses are still out there and pundits will tell me this machine should not be online

but i'm just really confused about what's eating all the cpu and at least now i have a mystery to solve

Are you a hacker/maker/nonprofit in the UK? Would you like some free 64×16 px RGB LED panels? We have a lot. We need to get rid of them.

i'm not trying to use trauma as an excuse and absolve myself of everything but surely you understand this shit is hard

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i think i'm catastrophizing about yesterday. i think i'm just having mood swings. sorry

ROAD00B.ICO - Transport, Thruways

...Bridges, Rails, Roads, Runways, Tunnels

have you considered maybe you're not the only trans girl who's into retro tech on the internet and that maybe the other ones aren't exactly like you and maybe they don't want to be like you

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!