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most important phrase ive read today: "Being trapped behind your eyes sounds like dissociation." oops

realizing that probably the hardest mental blocks stopping me from making more music is the abuse i've suffered in musictracker circles about 10 years ago that i haven't fully healed from yet

An easy mistake to make, but just bugs in the Ponzi scheme. Some crypto projects are pump and dump schemes, while others are pyramid schemes. Others are just wired different. this shit happens crypto bros are always active

i'm really interested in hearing how people are making websites "without CSS" these days. whatever you're using what the fuck do yout think it's webpacking/transpiling into?

new on the #linkcache

Internet Artifacts - An online museum of artifacts from the early internet, including a working browser and Flash emulation.

Museum of Obsolete Media - A unique online museum of physical media formats showcasing developments in audio, video, film and data storage.

Wiby - An indexing search engine harking back to the early days of the Web. Make sure to go in the settings and disable the display of HTTPS sites to find some real gems!

i could do so much that if i actually tried the world would probably blow up. which is why i'm not doing anything right now. you're welcome, world

CHIP11B.ICO - System, Pc Bits

.....Bits, Chips, Connectors, Boards

paul feig's ghostbusters was nothing short of a proper actual love letter to the 1984 original following the exact same formula of a slapstick comedy starring an SNL cast

anything ghostbusters other than that is stupid manchildren trying to chase a high that never existed in the first place

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anyone calling the 2016 ghostbusters' special effects "cheesy" needs to be locked in a room with nothing but a vcr tv and a vhs of the 1984 movie

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!