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can you believe it's already been 7 years since the last ghostbusters movie

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i wish paul feig had been allowed to make a sequel to the last ghostbusters movie that was ever made

Every time I think I should give in and finally make a GitHub account, they do something that reminds me why they're either bullshit, batshit, or both.

Today, it's going all in on the computer pseudoscience quackery du jour, "AI" that's only artificial, not intelligent.

GitHub's blog, "Universe 2023: Copilot transforms GitHub into the AI-powered developer platform":

passwords when you don’t enforce changing them every 2 months: Viy$Ehi8sy3&2WQ
passwords when you enforce changing them regularly: password01!? password02!? password03!? password04!? password05!?

So often when I'm talking to other developers they tell me they can't understand how someone with as versatile as my skillset has gone unemployed for 2 years. I can't find an answer to them either. Maybe I'm bad at marketing myself, maybe I'm just too much of an illegal immigrant to be able to be hired anywhere. My savings are dwindling and I don't know how to look for jobs who aren't going to interview me for a whole month just to finish on "unfortunately we can't hire you". If you have any ideas I'd love to hear some replies. #hireme #hiring #jobsearch #fedihire #getfedihired #mutualaid

there's no changes otherwise in how the app behaves, simply some refactoring of the scaling to make it more usable on certain types of phone screens

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quietly launching 4.3 which changes the page UI a bit to something that feels more comfortable to me

so funny to me how much money and effort and development was put into multimedia in the 90s and how flash and other technologies enabled us to do worldwide broadcast multimedia in the browser (and arguably with a gross amount of monumental more work than with flash, you can still do today with javascrapt) yet we all abandoned that the moment the three big corporations said we shouldn't

someone who isn't transphobic should make a website that's a database for Palm OS software

they should make a new the way things work multimedia pc program

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!