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windows is such a horrible operating system, it's completely unusable! you cannot do a single thing on it! now where was i resolving package dependency conflicts through ssh on a whole second computer to re-enable any use of my graphical interface

Tell your friends you care about them. You don’t know when you won’t be able to any more 😢

Extra remembering the times I’ve nearly joined them today. It’s hard. 😭.


New: Firefox users have reported an "artificial" 5-second delay when they try to load YouTube videos that is magically fixed if they use Chrome, which has been going viral in a few different places. I asked Google what is going on. They

1) Didn't deny the artificial wait time is happening
2) Said it's part of its war on ad blockers, not targeted at Firefox

Mozilla also told me no indication this is targeted at Firefox

Today is :flag_transgender:​ 🕯️​.

If it's new to you, please research it and the issues, challenges, and threats we face that make today necessary. Remember the dead, and fight like hell for the living.

you know that quote that's often (erroneously) attributed to Shigeru Miyamoto -- "a late game is late until it releases, a rushed game is bad forever"?

well. turns out a trans woman game dev was the one who said it. huh.

I can't help but notice the new Apple laptops rate "Video Playback 22 hours, Web Browsing 15 hours" under battery life.

Congratulations web developers everywhere, it's now more computationally intense to render a webpage than video playback!

  • "but i need chrome for work"
    and are you working 100% of the time?

  • "but xyz only works on chrome"
    set your user agent to spoof chrome and get back to me on that

  • "but chrome is faster/uses less ram"
    i wish i still lived in 2010 too

kerning matters because sometimes you actually wanted to buy 10 fuckering lights

circling back to "being trapped behind your eyes"

cept its more than one

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!