@squirrel fair enough. i guess im just bemoaning the fact that every time i come here i cant understand anything anyone is talking abt, im just a whiner tho *le shrug*

idk maybe im dumb because i dont care enough & dont stay up to date on ppl i dont know saying shitty things, i assume everyone here is following it closely & im just the weirdo

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like i feel the same way when this happens on tumblr, like some relatively popular person gets a call out post on tumblr & then it blows up into this big thing & its like; other than the ppl directly involved, who does this effect? were not talking about someone with a vast audience, its some loser on a niche part of the internet, i barely have a care to give ->

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not to be problematic but i really dont jive w/ mastodon, its so fragmented & confusing compared to twitter, & when there starts to be cross-instance drama its just weehhhhgvv. like any time someone uses the word "discourse" i just wanna drop my phone & run. :/ thats the "tooth" :/

im a terrible romantic partner bc my idea of fun is hanging out in the same room, maybe watching something together maybe not. i dont like going places or doing things

@squirrel were ppl actually excited abt that? other than clickbait sites being like "is this the nes classic killer?" it seemed like nobody gave a damn

@lizardsquid ya being kind to myself is a tall order, being cruel is basically a reflex at this point, like all the pathways in my brain are just wired to go directly to HATE, its like trying to forget how to ride a bike or something

@squirrel idk why the numbers would be skewed that way if all theyre selling are the genesis version of a famiclone. like we have those shitty atari plug n play things in every big store but that doesnt mean the 2600 has been around for 40 years

i hate this feeling like i should be depressed abt something right now but i dont know what. my brains just looking around like "uh youre single, youre gonna die alone! and uh, oh yeah that friend hates you. what else, um, oh dysphoria! is that doing anything for you?"

@squirrel thank you for finally clearing this issue up 💜

@squirrel erin plz answer this burning question of mine: i always hear about how the sega master system & genesis still sell like 100,000 units every year in brazil or something like that. why? where are they going? how many master systems do ppl need 30 years later?

@shagoli im being half-facetious, i realize thats more likely, but my distorted thinking is "if i close myself off there'll be nobody around to leave me & make me sad" smdh :/

if theres one thing ive learned abt relationships, its that you should never be open & vulnerable with anyone because theyll inevitably leave you. i think thats a good piece of advice i think

@squirrel i mean its silly of me to think friendships should be built around liking all the same things but like... idk i have no excuse im just looking for reasons to make myself feel bad

@squirrel where they hidin? where are the trans girls who are into classic rock? where are the trans girls who love youtube poop? am i truly alone in this world?

@lizardsquid wriggling & squiggling... now that's is what i call a good time....

@squirrel i dont rly know any ppl who run a webcomic i dont think

idk where i fit in even within trans communities, im not a furry, im not a programmer, i dont play the right video games, i dont watch anime, idk whats left

haldo. i always wanna use this more bc i wanna make more tranz friendz but everyone heres always talkin bout programming & i dont know dick about shit. but, here i am,

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!