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@noelle i wanna pull those changes but we're not even the same code anymore..

@InspectorCaracal so the way this bot listens to replies on cronjob functionality is it iterates over the notifications it has and then clears them (not great i know, i should see if i can just store what was the last notification parsed)

and at each mention it'll print the message, print the reply to that message, while posting that reply

@InspectorCaracal yup, one is client id and the other is client secret

usercred is access token

@InspectorCaracal oh yeah the pip package works, sure

it's broken but it works because some errors are being suppressed, too

@InspectorCaracal do you clone the git repo into the pip directory or ....... like what am i supposed to do, right?

hey another thing now has an ananas wrapper that users the same engine underneath so it maintains cronjob friendly _and_ ananas friendly!

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!