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so uh if you have a couple bucks handy I could really use your help going into June

consider: absolute compassion, even to oneself

also shout out to @noelle for keeping computer fairies from going up in flames while i was out

hey mastodon what discourse did i miss while i was out

lick one paw, rub face, lick lick lick, rub rub rub

lick other paw, rub face, lick lick lick, rub rub rub.

*waves her arms excitedly like something big happened but really nothing happened she just wants to wave her arms*

namely I'm just trying to get processing to run faster and i know it's possible because i did it once but stupid old me didn't document it

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who here knows a bit more about linux video drivers and wants to help me understand the state of mali400 graphics acceleration on the pocketchip because the next thing bbs feels confusing and contradictory about it

pda microfic 

cuties in bed shuffling and struggling to find ways to prop up all of their laptops and cuddle at the same time

they finally get settled in when a small voice emerges from the middle of them

"wait! i need my charger..."

they all sigh and begin readjusting everything again

pls teleport me home i hate how long the train takes

here i am just doing my best and if i fuck up once??? computers are bad!!! computers don't make sense!!!! how would you like it if i held you too that same standard huh?? didn't think so

safety dance wasn't even men without hat's best song

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!