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i'm super gay like holy heckie the wii can play it here as a federation admiral from the civic center

In lighter news, we have recently obtained a lovely book from the Computer Fairies Reading Room! (original post here: )

If you wanna commission me for art, hit me up, email me at

I also have or

My Patreon is

I hate asking for help but I just need a bit more push until I can finally get even a retail position that will hire my sorry trans ass.

literally, refusing to cw them and his loyal followers ganging on the person into leaving mastodon

fuck OFF

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crow is still being loud about people not cwing their pol posts while i still can't forget how he drove someone away from mastodon for not cwing his drug posts

i have half a mind to reply directly to the person but i don't want their loyal fans ganging on me like they did before

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subtoot, petty 

you already got someone to leave mastodon for refusing to cw your drug shit, don't act like a damn saint

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subtoot, petty 

if you ask people to cw their politics then cw your drugs

it's cold and i had to wash my paws and the water was cold and whine whine >^<

cursed toot, lewd 

hi kids. it's me, sans undertale

and i'm here to talk about sex education

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!