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can i control one android device with another? i wanna be in my timeline,

friendly reminder that bigclive is super funny and has a bear pride flag proudly displayed in his website so you know he's good

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unfriendly reminder that benheck and eevblog are shitty and bigclive is the only good EE youtube channel

politics - 

wow everything is so fucked here

and now jut for a bit of fun i finally styled it up with some dark colors

i was too lazy to bring up a color picker so i just made up some hex colors off the top of my head and it came out pretty ok

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maple's demoscreen is progressing!!!! now you can save multiple scripts so you don't overwrite anyone else's

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i don't really wanna use the sync calls? should i just use them in try catches instead?

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i just realized that ひる means daytime and ごはん means rice (or meal) and ひるごはん means lunch because that's the meal you have at daytime

i was having to much trouble memorizing which one was which

mothgirls are so good i wanna cuddle a mothgirl...

:beeatrice: knows that bees are friends! But the Critter doesn't. Save the bees and put them in your kobold den's hives before the Critter gets you in #Beebold!

i can tell when someone is looking at the live preview for my pocketchip demo screen cause the screen stutters every time it has to screenshot and send it to the webview =w=

OhaaG Ghhhah   hGhh ahOOahaG  iOa i9GaiaO 9 h    OO9GOhh9G Gh i9aaOO 9  Gh9OG99hO i Oh9

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!