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educational computing initiatives take 🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶 

if you make a computer with the intent of educating young people how computers do the thing then you should not be miniaturizing it, you should be making huge beautiful boards full of labeled discrete hole-through components and socketed ICs and stop pandering to adult technolust

the Furry Corner discord is apparently on the first page of google results for "lesbian furry discord"

SEO: we have it, somehow, no idea how that happened but it's pretty neat

hey wouldn't it be cool if furry roleplaying was a real thing and existed somewhere? sometimes i think about that. amazing how there's not one place to roleplay

gay culture is tunneling your connections bso that your computer and your girlfriends' appear to be in the same local network

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gay culture is running programs in your girlfriends' computers


i set up a demoscreen just like mine for agiri and now i can leave her gay shit like this

hey I'm like really fucking gay? just thought you should know

being gay nerds with your girlfriends is so good y'all

My Girlfriend Hacked Me And Trapped Me In A Computer Now She Wants Me In A bind(2) !


tfw you have sudo access to your girlfriend's computer :3~

im sorry im the fediverse's #1 public enemy and i get grudges with everyone whos popular

sorry i suck

anyway sorry i'm a shit person but there are some things i cannot cope with well

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i think what upsets me the most is that we have some mutual friends and interactions get really stunted and awkward because of that

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sometimes it upsets me that there's a whole side of mastodon i have to keep muted/blocked to keep my sanity but then i remember it'd upset me a whole lot more to remember they exist

subtoot not sorry 

it's like everyone in that circle i feel bad for keeping my distance from and then... they go and prove me right for being uneasy around them

this makes me feel glad because it reinforces to me that i know how to pick my friends

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subtoot not sorry 

lol what a fucking surprise that k. sinclaire is a fucking dipshit with no sense of morals

- - kinda subtootish 

i hope i get people to play jackbox with again some day without intruding in someone else's friend circle

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!