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hacker news is is a fucking cesspool of man-children

fuck you if you think otherwise fuck you if you think social justice is a bad thing fuck hacker news fuck you FUCK YOU

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meta drama take 

firing** autocorrect and no glasses is not a good mix

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yo seriously if you're against code of conducts in coding projects then go rot away along with the rest of silicon valley you amoral blob of flesh

meta drama take 

gargron during maloki only proves he is absolutely not fit to run the mastodon project in its current state

"We shouldn't have laws against assault because if someone beats you up you can just take them aside and explain why beating you up was bad and ask them not to do it again."

This is how arguments against Codes of Conduct sound.

meta, subtoot 

lmao good to see the usual suspectsbe against a code of conduct on the mastodon project

is irick even a part of it or is he peanut gallery

gods the mastodon project is just catching on fire all the time isn't it

facetious computer take 

people shouldn't be using chrome anymore come on it's 2018 there are better browsers out there like firefox

💬 Good news, everyone!

We have imported to Computer Fairies the RP formatting by @InspectorCaracal!

💬 You can use this emoji to talk out loud

💭 Or hope that nobody can hear your thoughts...

🚫 And duck out to OOC if you need!

Please refresh the web interface if you can't see the changes!

hot mastodon take 

skiant "deleted" (submitted an empty repo commit) their light theme claiming it was deprecated but it will still be maintained for computer fairies (we were using it before mastodon released a light theme)

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hot mastodon take 

skiant's light theme is better than the mastodon project's light theme


Boost this toot if you want a subby bunny harem OR want to be part of said subby bunny harem

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!