now if i can automate a cycle of different sketches or auto reloading whenever a sketch gets changed and open remote sketch editing people can make cute things or messages appear in my room
Recommended block, potential instance block, as an actual Nazi, can probably go safely on your blocklist
more retrospring answers
" what are your favourite chips to snack on? "
the 555 is a timeless classic and the lm386 has a crisp loud taste
" what's your top 3 video game platform sound chips? "
ok this might be controversial but sn76489, huc6280 and sid
Anonymous Coward asked: what are the technical specifications of a squobit?
- fuzzy
- there are usb ports somewhere
- crashes easily and emits garbled or high-pitched noise
- you can hack them
hi please keep me company
just being petty now
i know the us v. them rhetoric sucks but "them" are actually really harmful for me and have always been and i'm just trying to *get away without interacting with them*
it's not like i want to attack them back. i just want to get away. i want it to end
meta, blocks, mutes, musings
as an instance admin i feel rly bad about simply blocking/muting people i don't like and moving on because what if they get bad enough that they're breaking my instances CoC but I can't see it because i muted them? i feel like i shouldn't mute anyone unless i do it at the instance level
i was reminded by a few days ago that the dreamcast's bus for talking to controllers and memory cards is called the maple bus
heyyyy it's that time of the week i remember this exists
roboplush squirrelbun kin girl, accept no substitutes
bunbot girlfriend belonging to @LaserScheme & @noelle &
mastodon mascot, computer fairies owner, game music composer, obsessed w/ electronics & 80s
talk to me please? i won't bite
if you wanna follow please try to befriend me first bc i post personal stuff
discord: maple#3896