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oh my god these msn sounds y'all it's such a nostalgia trip

pls join me

my account is

has really nobody else on 2.4.0 encountered broken android push notifications

i hope more people start using msn messenger soon. i really am using it unironically now and i kinda really missed it

Everyone talking about forking and im like

What about spooning

reminder computer fairies has had its own fork for a good while now

i mean yeah it's standard mastodon with very few changes (and not up with master so no trending topics) but if you want to come in and help us build new, better features, we're already a well established instance for that

tired: contributing to mastodon
wired: forking acmlmboard and making your own forums

i hope pride month allows queer users to stay in the closet here on mastodon if they're uncomfortable coming out

this remember that computer fairies is run by a robot who somehow identifies as a trans squirrel bunny girl

This #Pride2018, remember that Elekk is run by a pan trans women and a bi Latina woman. 🏳️‍🌈 :transgender_flag: :bisexual_flag: 🇩🇴

kinda want to move my account to @maple but we all know that'll be a mess...

also: if you added me and i seem to not have accepted, i think the add requests don't show up unless i sign out and back in

so ping me if that's the case

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i dont wanna join tilde town anyway cause someone already has ~maple and i dont wanna use another username so

so much for that i guess.

hot community take, maybe subtoot 

by all means i'm not saying you're not allowed to have fun with software, go heck the world up with your weird little gadgets made for your and your friends

but please don't try to pass it off as a community open to everyone, it really isn't

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hot community take, maybe subtoot 

this is probably a heavy and vague subtoot but, having tried to participate in communities where certain users get special perks that are hardwired into the software you're using

like yeah i guess it's fun for you and your friends

but that's not how you make an open community

you're making a closed circle of people in on the joke

and when and outsider looks in and sees all that, they'll just be confused, perplexed and frustrated

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!