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i finally figured out how to fix my email routing now im getting spammed by mailing lists fuck

i wish it could be 2012 again in terms of my musical output

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*sudden flash of very short musical inspiration*

*runs to the computer and opens openmpt to transcribe it down*

*fail completely to get even a full bar right, close openmpt without saving out of frustration*

isn't it weird how ten years ago "messenger" meant msn but now if you say "messenger" it usually means facebook

i wonder how much harassment i'm missing out on right now for having the instances they come from suspended lol

@squirrel bulges aren't a gender restricted thing and neither is a lack thereof. 👌🏽

real women can have bulges

some don't tho and that's ok too

this has been a PSA

Computer Fairies front page really changed since the last time I checked it but it's still rad 👌.


there's a cooking show on TV using the instrumental of the pokemon theme as bgm


the flicker of her avatar matches up with the tingles i feel in my heart

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!