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who woulda thought, turns out you don't *actually* own what's in other people's servers

microsoft doesn't actually own github yet. whatever mundane inconvenient things happen to your repos this week isn't because microsoft decided to personally target you as step one of their multi-billion-dollar business deal

for one i already had to go through lengths to update the printer library from python2 to python3...

it's fully functional now, but

it could be better

and my way of making things better is just. scrap it and do it again from scratch

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reading this printer's manual i think there are settings that can be tweaked for it to look better but i'm using a python library that kinda makes me just

write my own library from scratch

it's eeehhhh

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keep your opinions to your own account don't go shit up someone else's mentions thanks

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sorry: cw subtooting like 15 different people in my girlfriend's mentions

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did you know that gitlab is hosted on azure and also did you know that i dont give a shit

???? brain think 

is that like depersonalization-adjacent???

like idk how to describe it any better

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???? brain think 

sometimes i get fucked up by the realization that i am An Individual

like, i exist and i'm here

and that's a world-shaking realization for me for a few seconds every now and then

it's like "wha.. oh, oh whoa."

i really dislike when things are called the station they happen in to denote when they're happening because like

aye, summer, ok, see you in november then

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!