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i keep forgetting half-empty drinks on my desk thinking i can get back to it but 20 minutes later they're full of ants ugh FUCK

Check it out: my :innomine: book, Liber Umbrarum - the Book of Ghosts - is on sale!

for... *does the math* 23% off, because of course. ;)

i just realized i've been mentioning someone's account on the wrong instance for a whole conversation... 😬 sorry

update: apparently it changed because i changed the home screen wallpaper

there's apparently no way to change this colour other than putting on a wallpaper with the dominant colour being the colour you want

thanks Motorola

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suicide and terrible opinions thereof 

If you think suicide is "cowardly" or "selfish", please do us both a favor and block me until you've done even the most basic research about mental illness.

If you're going to villainize people who have been suffering under intolerable pain and feel that death is their only option for ending their suffering and the suffering of those around them, /I do not want you in my life/.

why in the fuck would you make an ethernet and wifi shield for arduino..... which has a 400mhz cpu and 64mb ram running linux .....

why keep the arduino

case in point: i am now using a dragino yun shield completely devoid of the arduino board without problems

and it comes with python already installed in it??? sure without the arduino i lose the digital and analog pins (which im sure could've been implemented otherwise) but all i need is the serial connection to talk to a thermal printer

actual photograph of @squirrel when someone goes after one of her girlfriends

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the clock that shows up when i shake my phone used to have a blueish tint but now it's gray and i hate it and idk what made it change

and if i'm hurt and stingy. idk. give me a moment and tell me to stop it

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i hold a lot of grudges i know sorry

but tbh i'm pretty easy going if you make the effort to actually talk to me instead of just abandoning me?

just saying.

did you know that if you join my discord server you can literally hack me?

link in follower-only reply to this toot, or please ask me first

images CW glitchy text

ms pac-man, not to be confused with microsoft pac-man

did you know: i have a "demoscreen" set up on my desk and you can use Processing to control it

link is in a followers-only reply to this toot, or ask me (for trust reasons)

Codes of conduct 

"Why should you care how someone behaves as long as they can write good code?"

We live in a time when finding someone who can write good code is EASY. We want someone who can write good code AND ALSO cares about the people around them.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!