this sums up what just happened except it happened yet again and it has me spiraling into a suicidal mood crash again. thanks for reading.


please stop using "white" as short hand for "socially privileged" if you aren't actually talking about it in the context of being racially white, it muddies the dialogue unnecessarily and is some really fucking eurocentric bullshit.

As a reminder, Computer Fairies does not tolerate any kind of racism or harassment tactics such as gaslighting and strawman arguments. Thank you.

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current altercation and cf moderation 

Hey sorry I trashed your timelines.

Sorry it took more than the first person asking me to stop.

I got real upset because someone I love was a target of gaslighting and this person is a prominent mastodon user with several people to pat him on the back about it.

We're better than this. Please cultivate your safe spaces. I am cultivating mine, by domain blocking for harming the safe space I want Computer Fairies to be.

promise promise promise. i will not mention him again. slap me if i do.

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also if you go into her mentions to give her anything but love i swear i will claw your skin out

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hey y'all please show my girlfriend @noelle some love tonight cause she totes needs it.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!