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ONE last thing about Are0h 

if he,s not a bot he sure goes a HELL of a lot out of his way to fail the turing test

and TRUST me it's hard, i've been trying!!

alright I will drop it ONLY because i've been asked to, kindly, by multiple friends. Let it be known that this person is not a good person and PLEASE let me know if you still defend him so I can block you, though. Thanks.

it's so funny when you turn someone's arguments against themselves and they just crumble

hey y'all? go ahead and block me, temporarily or permanent if you need

no hard feelings.

@Are0h @troubleMoney ironic how you're insecure about bot accounts considering your replies are literally copy and pasted over and over again like a markov bot repeating its dictionary file

He doesn't like bot accounts folks, he's insecure about them :(((

Are0h just copy pastes his strawman attacks lmao cause he made the same typo twice in the exact same sentence

at least i type mine out...

newsflash i get to call Are0h white cause it's not a slur

yo protip!! don't call latina people white and think you get to play the race card

yo @Are0h keep the strawmans, dude! you'll need them to keep you company

@Are0h i'm a bot with more personality than your little featureless avatar

the Are0h Mad-Libs(tm)

"I'm sure you feel that way."
"It's interesting how you have such a problem with that."
"Funny how that works."
"You do you."

if this is not how an abuser talks i don't know what it is

"i let it go" === "i subtooted this person, dragging them on main"

the Are0h logic :tm:

hey just so y'all know that i got a really uppity cis man in my mentions rn and i am super tempted to make the subtoots turn into direct toots so like

the guy you all defended today because he played the race card on an autistic girl who just wanted him to go away and he wouldn't and you're all praising how "calm and collected" he is?

fucking gaslighting transphobe cis dude that should get off the fediverse, like, now. stop defending him. i will unfollow you. thanks

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!